Episodes into Modes of Existence
The idea of reality being bounded rather having it as the initial states of existence. Interdependency of foreignated mechanism in order to experience senses emotionally and physically. Taken away the foreignated mechanism, the world would only exist as a senseless state of a monumental structure.
The idea of having no definite scale and optimal proportion which autonomously manipulating the spatial experience senses and logics Of the interconnectivity between a different scale of physical states interrogate the relationship between capability and adaptability. The relativity between logic and senses can be intertwined.
The idea of making something intangible tangible. The act of manipulating elements which somehow intervene in the existential state of the entity. The ability to translate linguistic which can be understood by all of the senses that exist can create a whole new dimension which alters the perception of consciousness
The idea of having a platform for experimentation and exploration. The routine of the critical procedure executed by means of transparency and publicly. The interrogation between each of the proposals is treated as if it is a playground and free from any political harm and threat. Each of every monument/statue/sculpture can be reinterpreted through various configuration and circulation.