Representation of Storytelling via Purposive Objects
Super-Component no. 1 | The Public Conventicle
The establishment of the public symposium as a new method of ruling. The isolated plateau within the whole scheme allows people to observe and perceive arguments and discussions held within the space of public conventicle from obscure perspective via the reflective/refractive enclosure of the elongated oblong-shaped. All pieces of information and agendas culminate in a neutral state where the power of people will assess & evaluate the substance.
Super-Component no. 2 | Labyrinth of the Free City
An estrangement scheme within a free city is utmost important in introducing a radical new infrastructural system which inhibited by a new civilization which practices the modified socio-political tapestry. The changing of the ruling system somehow gives a tremendous impact on the urban fabric which manifested in a hybridization of a maze and Joseph Giller’s ‘Table’ design in emphasizing the phantasmagoria landscape.
Super-Component no. 3 | Alternate Dimension | Modification of Knowledge
Interrogation of knowledge within the curtain-shaped enclosure allows a totality and holistic modification upon the information that passed through the main portal which acts as the entrance gate towards the free city. The conversion portal which filters all the bits of knowledge and information is surrounded and enclave by a series of public tunnel allowing a certain level of transparency of the filtration procedure.
Super-Component no. 4 | Fortification of Testing Ground
In order to restrain unforeseen circumstances within the newly-developed socio-political structural system, it is paramount to keep everything within a definite parameter via fortification. However, the boundary of the whole system which bounded by the Free City will keep on evolving and ever-changing as it reached a designated level of standards which tremendously validates the practical approach within the non-hierarchical governance system.