The Monumental Remnants
Centralizing Sudliche Friedrich Stadt
The urban fabric within the southern part of Friedrich Stadt requires the city to have a new center which acts as a datum to the city-island within the area. The idea of having a distinguished monumental within the site can be an urban archipelago through the method of insertion within the existing.
The urban strategy of the whole masterplan which comprises of four main substantial elements that build up the narrative of a city within a city. The components embodied each monument represent a whole new dynamic in projecting the city as a product of program intensification. Intervention that has been carried out upon the planning reflects the transitory between its surrounding neighborhood that consists of the commercial, political and economic hub.
Conceptual Model
This model/sculptural piece deliberately involving conceptual derivation of masterplan proposal and the integration of layerization and components. The main character within the model which symbolizes through the play of colours and distinctive figures inhibit a layer of a canopy on top of the acrylic. The acrylic beneath it serves as a transdimensional entity which separating the contemporary and the intervention. A series of intersecting and interrogation of lines within the enclosed oblong-shaped box treated as a frame to capture the primal axes and dominant nodes within the content itself. The idea of the canopy (acrylic) as a canvas to be sewn with the contextual force through the structural tubular which penetrating through both of the surfaces. The interplay between the ground and the canopy made an interweaving-like interpretation.